I get lots of comments on my videos on my YouTube channel from teachers and students who use my videos in their English classes.

Mariane says:English classes

Janvier says:

English classes

Zatzu says:English classes

Christian says:English classes

Useful Videos for English Classes

First of all I want to say thank you very much to all of you. I am really happy that both students and teachers are benefitting from my videos in their English classes. I am please that I am able to make things a little bit easier for you.

If you are a teacher I am more than happy for you to use my videos in you classes. If you are a student and you would like your teacher to use my videos, please share the channel with them, maybe they haven’t heard of it yet.

It would also be great if you could also get your students and colleagues to;

These things really help me and the channel.

Tell us about your English Classes

So why not leave a little comment like the ones above so everyone can see what you are doing. You could even ask you students to watch a video as homework and leave a comment to prove they have watched it.

In the future I would like to make worksheets and other materials that could be available here on my website for people to use in their English classes. If you have made anything like that, that ties in with my videos and are happy to share it with me please send it to me, I would love to see it and maybe we can make it available to others.

What are the most helpful videos you have used in your English classes. Lets us know in the comments below.

Thanks for your great comments guys and I hope that was helpful. If it was you should check out some of my other videos and subscribe to my youtube channel and mailing list via the website, to keep up to date with new videos and features from me and The English Language Club.

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