ð Sound: How to pronounce the ð sound (/ð/ Phoneme)

Hi there this is the ð sound. As in the words: this /ðɪs/ that /ðæt/ other /’ʌðə/ The ð sound is from the ‘Consonants Pairs’ group and it is called the ‘Voiced dental fricative’. This means that you create friction between the tongue and top teeth. How to pronounce the ð sound It is made through […]
ʧ Sound: How to pronounce the ʧ sound (/ʧ/ Phoneme)

Hi there this is the ʧ sound. As in the words: change /tʆeɪndʒ/ choice /tʆɔɪs/ church /tʆɜːtʆ/ How to Pronounce the ʧ Sound The ʧ sound is from the ‘Consonants Pairs’ group and it is called the ‘Voiceless palato- alveolar affricate’. This means that you create friction by first stop the airflow with your tongue and […]
f Sound: How to pronounce the f sound (/f/ Phoneme)

The f sound is called the ‘Voiceless labiodental fricative’. This means that you create friction between the bottom lip and top teeth.