ə Sound: How to pronounce the /ə/ Phoneme or schwa sound

This is the ə sound. As in the words:
a /ə/, the /ðə/, about /əbaʊt/,
Sometimes called the schwa sound. It is a Vowel sound and it’s technical name is the ‘Mid-Central Vowel’
e Sound: How to pronounce the e sound (/e/ Phoneme)

This is the e sound. As in the words:
get /get/, when /wen/, then /ðen/
It is a Vowel sound and it’s technical name is the ‘Close-Mid Front Unrounded Vowel’.
u: Sound: How to Pronounce the /u:/ Phoneme

This is the u: sound. As in the words:
to /tuː/, you /juː/, new /njuː/
It is a Vowel sound and it’s technical name is the ‘Close Back Rounded Vowel’.