p Sound: How to Pronounce the p Sound (/p/ Phoneme)

The p Sound is a sound from the ‘Consonants Pairs’ group and it is called the ‘Voiceless bilabial stop’ because you use both your lips to block your mouth.
ɔ: Sound: How to pronounce the /ɔ:/ Phoneme

The ɔ: sound is a Vowel sound. It’s technical name is the ‘Open-Mid Back Rounded Vowel’. ere are some tips on how to say it.
ʊ Sound: How to pronounce the ʊ sound (/ʊ/ Phoneme)

The ʊ sound is a Vowel sound, it’s technical name is the ‘Near-Close Near-Back Vowel’. Here are some tips on how to say it.