The eə Sound (/eə/ Phoneme)

eə Sound

This is the eə Sound, as in the words: their /ðeә/ where /weә/ area /ˈeәriә/   How to Pronounce the eə Sound This is a diphthong sound which means it is  a combination of two vowel sounds that are pronounced within the same syllable. The eә sound is a combination of /e/ and /ә/.   Unlike with […]

ɪ Sound: How to Pronounce the /ɪ/ Phoneme

ɪ sound

This is the ɪ sound. As in the words: The ɪ phoneme The /ɪ/ sound is a Vowel sound and it’s technical name is the ‘Near-Close Near-Front Unrounded Vowel’. Remember that the key to pronunciation s physical and the name tells us about how the sound is made physically. In this case your tongue is close to […]

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