ɑ: Sound: How to Pronounce the ɑ: Sound (/ɑ:/ Phoneme)

The ɑ: Sound is a Vowel sound and it’s technical name is the ‘Open Back Unrounded Vowel’ because your tongue is low and at the back of your mouth.
ʌ Sound: How to pronounce the ʌ sound (/ʌ/ Phoneme)

This is the ʌ sound. As in the words: but /bʌt/ up /ʌp/ one /wʌn/ It is a Vowel sound and it’s technical name is the ‘Open Mid-Back Unrounded Vowel’. How to pronounce the ʌ sound Remember that the key to pronunciation is physical and the name tells us about how the sound is made physically. […]
ɜ: Sound: How to pronounce the ɜ: sound (/ɜ:/ Phoneme)

The ɜ: sound is called the ‘Open-Mid Central Unrounded Vowel’ because your tongue is low and in the center of your mouth.