eɪ Sound: How to Pronounce the Diphthong eɪ sound (/eɪ/ Phoneme)

The eɪ sound is a diphthong which means it is a combination of two vowel sounds, /ɪ/ or /i:/, that are pronounced within the same syllable.
ʊә Sound: How to Pronounce The ʊә Diphthong (/ʊə/ Phoneme)

The ʊә sound is a diphthong which means it is a combination of two vowel sounds, /ʊ/ and /ә/, that are pronounced within the same syllable.
ɪə Sound: How to Pronounce the ɪə Sound (/ɪə/ Phoneme)

The ɪə sound is a diphthong so it is a combination of two vowel sounds. In this case the sounds /ɪ/ and /ә/.