How to Practice the /æ/ Vowel sound

Lets look at how to practice the /æ/ Vowel sound. A sound that people seem to like a lot is the /æ/ sound. In IPA, the international phonetic alphabet we use the ash symbol to represent this sound. This is how it is used and pronounced in IPA. The most common words with the /æ/ sound are: and […]
How to practice the /v/ sound

One of the sounds that a lot of people have problems pronouncing is the /v/ sound. Here are a few tips to help you practice the /v/ sound.
ng sound: How to pronounce the ŋ sound (/ŋ/ Phoneme)

This lesson is about the ng sound, (/ŋ/ Phoneme), as in the words: think thing walking It is a sound from the Single Consonants group. How to pronounce the ng sound The ng sound is called the “velar nasal,” which means that you curl your tongue up against the back of our mouth and the air comes […]