Live English Video lesson

I have been experimenting a little, on my YouTube channel, with live english video recently on YouTube. I hope to make it a regular part of what I do in the future. The problem is I can’t do it alone. I need your help. The whole point of doing a video live is that you can […]
Using our videos in your English Classes

I get lots of comments on my videos on my YouTube channel from teachers and students who use my videos in their English classes. Mariane says: Janvier says: Zatzu says: Christian says: Useful Videos for English Classes First of all I want to say thank you very much to all of you. I am really happy that both […]
Minimal pairs ae and e – improve your pronunciation

Today we are going to look again at one of the comments you left on the videos this time about minimal pairs ae and e. Mr Sharma says: [quote]I didn’t get the difference between the /e/ sound and the /æ/ sound. Help, please.[/quote] Well thats a good question. These two sounds are very similar which means […]