Live English Video lesson

Live English Video

I have been experimenting a little, on my YouTube channel, with live english video recently on YouTube. I hope to make it a regular part of what I do in the future. The problem is I can’t do it alone. I need your help. The whole point of doing a video live is that you can […]

Using our videos in your English Classes

I get lots of comments on my videos on my YouTube channel from teachers and students who use my videos in their English classes. Mariane says: Janvier says: Zatzu says: Christian says: Useful Videos for English Classes First of all I want to say thank you very much to all of you. I am really happy that both […]

Minimal pairs ae and e – improve your pronunciation

minimal pairs ae and e

Today we are going to look again at one of the comments you left on the videos this time about minimal pairs ae and e. Mr Sharma says: [quote]I didn’t get the difference between the /e/ sound and the /æ/ sound. Help, please.[/quote] Well thats a good question. These two sounds are very similar which means […]

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