Are there only 8 Diphthongs

Diphthongs are the most complicated of all the types of sounds. There are 8 diphthongs on the phonetic chart. But are there more?
IPA is useless (International Phonetic Alphabet)

Today we are going to look again at one of your comments from my YouTube channel. This time about the IPA, the international phonetic alphabet. Unfortunately we are not talking about the type of beer known as IPA or India Pale Ale. IPA is Useless Bryan Zhang says: “IPA? That’s useless and unnecessary.” In a way […]
Spelling vs IPA Transcription

I get a lot of comments on the videos on my YouTube channel. The difference between spelling an IPA Transcription is something that comes up again and again. Comments on IPA transcription Jap says: [quote]What’s the difference in pronunciation between “or” and “of”? According to phonetics it is written with different symbols but the vowel sound […]